segunda-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2009


Penso que a humanidade está num ponto perigoso, mas isso foi um processo, e não simplesmente se chegou nisso. Humanidade como um todo, como sociedade, mas como indivíduo também. Cada pessoa que você conhece, pode estar (e provavelmente está) dentro dessa forma de enxergar as coisas, onde o que vale é fazer, acumular, ter, enfim, qualquer coisa que tenha um objetivo e um fim específico. Raramente se vê alguém fazer alguma coisa somente porque gosta, tudo tem que ter um objetivo, um "lugar aonde chegar". Como uma vez, conversando com um amigo, contei que eu estava aprendendo a tocar violão, e sem piscar ele perguntou aonde eu queria chegar com isso. A resposta é mais simples do que essas pessoas podem captar: eu gosto de música.
Essa forma de pensar, e agir, é perigosa, pois põe o indivíduo numa situação onde jamais ele está satisfeito, pois ao se atingir um objetivo, ele não o pode aproveitar, porque já vai estar buscando outra coisa.


Composição: Queen

Eu quero tudo eu quero tudo eu quero tudo e quero agora
Buscador de aventuras numa rua vazia
Apenas um rato de beco leve nos pés
Um jovem lutador lutando sem tempo para dúvida
Com a dor e a raiva não consegue ver uma saída
Não é muito o que estou pedindo eu o ouvi dizer
Tenho que encontrar para mim um futuro sai do meu caminho
Eu quero tudo eu quero tudo eu quero tudo e quero agora
Eu quero tudo eu quero tudo eu quero tudo e quero agora

Ouçam todos vocês venham ajuntem-se
Tenho de achar pra mim um novo plano de jogo tenho de sacudí-los até o chão
Apenas me dê o que sei que é meu
Pessoal vocês me escutam só me dêem o sinal
Não é muito o que estou pedindo se vocês querem a verdade
Um brinde ao futuro pelos sonhos da juventude
Eu quero tudo (dê tudo) eu quero tudo eu quero tudo e quero agora
Eu quero tudo (sim eu quero tudo) eu quero tudo (ei)
Eu quero tudo e quero agora

Eu sou um homem com uma mente de um único foco
Tanto a fazer em uma vida (Vocês me ouvem pessoal?)
Não um homem para cessões e ondes e porquês e viver mentiras
Então estou vivendo tudo (sim estou vivendo tudo)
E estou dando tudo (e estou dando tudo)

É é
É é é é
Eu quero tudo tudo tudo tudo

Não é muito o que estou pedindo se vocês querem a verdade
Um brinde ao futuro
Ouçam o apelo da juventude (ouçam o apelo ouçam o apelo da juventude)
Eu quero tudo eu quero tudo eu quero tudo e quero agora
Eu quero tudo (é é é) eu quero tudo eu quero tudo e eu quero agora

Eu quero
Eu quero eu quero

sábado, 12 de dezembro de 2009

Insatisfação crescente, sem que se possa dizer o exato motivo. Inquietação, impaciência, aquela sensação de algo está errado, mas não se sabe o quê.
Passei pelo 30º aniversário sem problema. Então acho que não é isso. Ou então demorou pra noção da coisa chegar.
Alguma coisa vai ter que mudar, e vai mudar. Transformar-se em que, não se sabe, se pra pior ou melhor, nem mesmo o que vai mudar. O quê?
Ficando impaciente e intolerante. Já dizem que é idade mesmo, mas acho que não, pode ser apenas um sintoma do "won't take no shit from anyone anymore" que decidi praticar. O perigo é exagerar.
Mas a vida está passando!
É, vai ver é isso. Estou querendo uma vida que não é minha.

... Mas por quê... ?

quinta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2009

domingo, 3 de maio de 2009

You can invitate anyone you know

Playlist de hoje:

1. The Beatles - Rocky Raccoon (3:32)
2. The Beatles - Sexy Sadie (3:15)
3. The Beatles - Honey Pie (2:41)
4. Deep Purple - Studio Chat (0:40)
5. Simon And Garfunkel - The Boxer (5:10)
6. The Velvet Underground - Beginning To See The Light (4:34)
7. Os Mutantes - A Minha Menina (4:42)
8. Black Sabbath - Wicked World (4:46)
9. Mercedes Sosa - Duerme, Negrito (2:22)
10. Pink Floyd - Let There Be More Light (5:37)
11. Waylon Jennings - Pleasures Of A Sunday Afternoon (2:16)
12. The Velvet Underground - Oh! Sweet Nuthin' (7:25)
13. The Beatles - Back In The U.S.S.R. - Esher (2:57)
14. The Beatles - Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (3:08)
15. The Beatles - Octopus's Garden (2:49)
16. The Rolling Stones - Silver Train (3:35)
17. Tom Zé - Quero Sambar Meu Bem (3:08)
18. The Velvet Underground - White Light/White Heat (2:47)
19. The Beatles - Birthday (2:42)
20. The Beatles - Two Of Us (3:36)
21. The Beatles - Back In The U.S.S.R. [take 6, Rm1] (3:02)
22. The Beatles - I Mean Mine (2:28)
23. The Beatles - Hey Bulldog (Rehearsal At John's House) (1:46)
24. The Beatles - Get Back (3:09)
25. The Beatles - Octopus's Garden (2:49)
26. Os Mutantes - Quem Tem Medo De Brincar De Amor (3:32)
27. Edison Lighthouse - Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes) (2:47)
28. The Velvet Underground - Who Loves The Sun (2:45)
29. Led Zeppelin - Heartbreaker (live) (6:30)
30. The Beatles - One After 909 (2:55)
31. The Beatles - Yer Blues (4:01)
32. The Beatles - Something (sung by John) (2:40)
33. The Beatles - Long, Long, Long (3:04)
34. The Beatles - Something (take 37) (3:00)
35. The Who - A Quick One, While He's Away (live) (8:54)
36. The Beatles - Only A Northern Song (3:27)
37. The Beatles - Yer Blues (4:01)
38. The Who - A Quick One, While He's Away (live - from "Rock And Roll Circus") (introduced by Keith Richards) (7:39)
39. The Beatles - Fan Club Christmas Collection - 1969 (7:46)
40. The Beatles - Back In The U.S.S.R. (Take 6 Acetate) (2:49)
41. The Beatles - Sea Of Holes (2:20)
42. The Rolling Stones - Country Honk (3:13)
43. Deep Purple - Studio Chat (0:33)
44. John Lennon - Love (3:25)
45. The Velvet Underground - Jesus (3:23)
46. The Beatles - Golden Slumbers (wreck chorus - bootleg) (1:40)
47. The Beatles - Maxwell's Silver Hammer (3:26)
48. The Velvet Underground - I'm Set Free (4:03)
49. The Beatles - Everybody's Got Something To Hide Except Me And My Monkey (2:24)
50. The Beatles - Wild Honey Pie (0:52)
51. Caetano Veloso - Irene (3:47)
52. The Beatles - Golden Slumbers (1:31)
53. The Rolling Stones - Jigsaw Puzzle (6:06)
54. The Beatles - All Things Must Pass (2) (3:00)
55. Pink Floyd - Corporal Clegg (4:11)
56. The Beatles - I Want You (She's So Heavy) (Take Unknown - Paul Vocal) (4:33)
57. Deep Purple - Living Wreck (4:31)
58. The Beatles - Savoy Truffle (2:54)
59. The Beatles - Because (2:45)
60. The Rolling Stones - Salt Of The Earth (live - from "Rock And Roll Circus") (4:56)
61. Simon And Garfunkel - Mrs. Robinson (3:52)
62. The Beatles - Helter Skelter (4:29)
63. Led Zeppelin - How Many More Times Medley (live) (19:21)
64. The Beatles - Martha My Dear (2:28)
65. George Harrison & Ringo Starr - Dera Dhun (3:27)
66. Deep Purple - Studio Chat (0:24)
67. The Beatles - All Things Must Pass 1 (2:14)
68. The Beatles - Something (3:01)
69. John Lennon - Mother (5:34)
70. The Rolling Stones - Live With Me (3:33)
71. The Beatles - Happiness Is A Warm Gun (2:43)
72. The Beatles - Dig A Pony (3:54)
73. Pink Floyd - Careful With That Axe, Eugene (live) (8:50)
74. The Beatles - Speech: John Lennon (0:12)
75. The Beatles - Martha My Dear (2:28)
76. Clara Nunes - Sucedeu Assim (2:59)
77. The Byrds - It's All Over Now, Baby Blue (live) (4:19)
78. The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Little Miss Strange (2:43)
79. Os Mutantes - Panis Et Circenses (3:37)
80. The Beatles - Dig A Pony (version 1, live) (4:34)
81. Syd Barrett - Waving My Arms In The Air (2:07)
82. Rod Stewart - Street Fighting Man (5:09)
83. The Who - Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde (2:26)
84. The Beatles - Revolution 9 (8:22)
85. John Lennon, Eric Clapton, Keith Moon, Keith Richards - Yer Blues (live) (4:25)
86. The Beatles - Hey Bulldog (3:11)
87. The Beatles - All Together Now (2:10)
88. The Beatles - Cry Baby Cry (3:01)
89. The Rolling Stones - Sympathy For The Devil (live) (6:39)
90. Clara Nunes - Insensatez (2:44)
91. The Beatles - Because (2:45)
92. The Beatles - Back In The U.S.S.R. (RM1) (3:01)
93. The Velvet Underground - After Hours (2:07)
94. The Mamas And The Papas - Go Where You Wanna Go (2:29)
95. The Beatles - Dig It (0:50)
96. Gilberto Gil - Procissão (2:54)
97. The Beatles - Carry That Weight (1:36)
98. George Harrison & Ringo Starr - I Live For You (3:35)
99. The Velvet Underground - Here She Comes Now (2:04)
100. The Velvet Underground - What Goes On (4:52)
101. The Rolling Stones - Dear Doctor (3:27)
102. The Rolling Stones - Sympathy For The Devil (live - from "Rock And Roll Circus") (8:48)
103. John Lennon - Isolation (2:52)
104. Pink Floyd - Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun (9:05)
105. Elvis Presley - Bridge Over Troubled Water (4:30)
106. The Beatles - Birthday (2:42)
107. The Rolling Stones - Stray Cat Blues (4:40)
108. The Beatles - All Things Must Past (2:25)
109. The Beatles - I've Got A Feeling (3:37)
110. The Beatles - Maxwell's Silver Hammer (3:26)
111. The Who - Pinball Wizard (3:03)
112. Led Zeppelin - What Is And What Should Never Be (0:30)
113. Simon And Garfunkel - America (3:33)
114. The Velvet Underground - Rock & Roll (4:44)
115. The Byrds - It's All Over Now, Baby Blue (4:56)
116. The Byrds - Oil In My Lamp (2:03)
117. The Beatles - The Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bill (3:14)
118. The Beatles - Watching Rainbows (4:33)
119. The Beatles - Good Night (3:11)
120. The Rolling Stones - Parachute Woman (live - from "Rock And Roll Circus") (2:54)
121. The Beatles - Here Comes The Sun (3:04)
122. The Rolling Stones - Brown Sugar (with Eric Clapton) (4:06)
123. John Lennon - Power To The People (3:22)
124. The Beatles - March Of The Meanies (2:22)
125. The Velvet Underground - Sister Ray (17:27)
126. The Beatles - Let It Be (4:03)
127. The Beatles - Medley - Roll Over Beethoven - Good Rockin' Tonight (3:10)
128. The Beatles - Dig A Pony (3:54)
129. The Velvet Underground - New Age (5:07)
130. Ladies And Gentlemen (0:37)
131. The Beatles - All Things Must Pass 1 (2:52)
132. The Beatles - One After 909 (2:55)
133. The Rolling Stones - Let It Bleed (5:27)
134. The Rolling Stones - Salt Of The Earth (4:51)
135. George Harrison & Ringo Starr - Gopala Krishna (4:42)
136. George Harrison & Ringo Starr - Going Down To Golders Green (2:24)
137. The Beatles - Polythene Pam (1:12)
138. Such Is Life (0:06)
139. The Beatles - March Of The Meanies (2:22)
140. The Beatles - I'm So Tired (2:03)
141. Mick Jagger - Memo From Turner (4:03)
142. John Lennon - God (4:10)
143. The Beatles - The Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bill (3:14)
144. Pink Floyd - Remember A Day (4:33)
145. Rod Stewart - Gasoline Alley (4:05)
146. The Beatles - Across The Universe (ultra rare psychedelic version) (3:45)
147. The Beatles - You Never Give Me Your Money (4:00)
148. The Beatles - Lady Madonna (2:16)
149. The Beatles - She Came In Through The Bathroom Window (1:58)
150. John Lennon - Give Peace A Chance (4:51)
151. The Beatles - Back In The U.S.S.R (take 6) (3:03)
152. The Beatles - Across The Universe (Version I produced by George Martin) (3:48)
153. The Beatles - Glass Onion (2:17)
154. The Beatles - Sea Of Time (3:00)
155. John Lennon - Working Class Hero (3:48)
156. Tom Ghent - Hey Ned (2:52)
157. The Beatles - Speech: John (0:12)
158. Deep Purple - Child In Time (10:18)
159. The Rolling Stones - Prodigal Son (2:55)
160. Simon And Garfunkel - Bridge Over Troubled Water (4:52)
161. The Beatles - The Long And Winding Road (3:37)
162. The Beatles - The End (2:05)
163. The Beatles - Piggies (2:04)
164. The Beatles - Yellow Submarine In Pepperland (2:10)
165. The Jimi Hendrix Experience - She's So Fine (2:35)
166. Led Zeppelin - Dazed And Confused (0:30)
167. The Rolling Stones - Street Fighting Man (live) (3:58)
168. Pink Floyd - A Saucerful Of Secrets (11:56)
169. The Beatles - The End (2:05)
170. Clara Nunes - Desencontro (1:54)
171. The Velvet Underground - Ocean (5:12)
172. Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love (live) (2:44)
173. The Who - Call Me Lightning (2:24)
174. The Beatles - Two Of Us (3:36)
175. The Beatles - Here Comes The Sun (3:04)
176. Syd Barrett - Rats (3:02)
177. The Beatles - Mean Mr. Mustard (1:06)
178. The Beatles - Glass Onion (2:17)
179. The Who - Sally Simpson (4:10)
180. The Beatles - Oh! Darling (3:26)
181. Os Mutantes - Bat Macumba (3:10)
182. The Beatles - All You Need Is Love (3:52)
183. The Rolling Stones - Jumpin' Jack Flash (live - from 'Rock And Roll Circus') (introduced by John Lennon) (3:39)
184. Waylon Jennings - Lonigan's Widow (4:22)
185. The Beatles - Don't Pass Me By (3:50)
186. The Beatles - Across The Universe (3:48)
187. The Beatles - Across The Universe/Rock And Roll Music (2:45)
188. Joe Cocker - She Came In Through The Bathroom Window (2:40)
189. The Beatles - Come Together (4:16)
190. The Beatles - Rocky Raccoon (3:32)
191. The Beatles - Dear Prudence (3:56)
192. Led Zeppelin - Communication Breakdown (0:30)
193. The Beatles - Polythene Pam (1:12)
194. The Rolling Stones - No Expectations (live - from "Rock And Roll Circus") (4:09)
195. The Beatles - Back In The U.S.S.R. (2:43)
196. Johnny Rivers - A Whiter Shade Of Pale (5:38)
197. George Harrison - Art Of Dying (3:39)
198. The Beatles - Let It Be (4:03)
199. Rod Stewart - Handbags & Gladrags (4:29)
200. The Beatles - Revolution 1 (4:15)
201. The Beatles - Hey Bulldog (3:14)
202. Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song (0:30)
203. Mercedes Sosa - Gracias A La Vida - Part. Esp.: Kelos Palacios (Guitarra) (4:21)
204. The Beatles - All Together Now (2:13)
205. Roy Orbison - Help Me Rhonda (3:01)
206. Black Sabbath - A Bit Of Finger/Sleeping Village/Warning (14:15)
207. The Rolling Stones - Love In Vain (4:19)
208. The Beatles - Stranger In My Arms (3:38)
209. Donovan - Atlantis (5:05)
210. The Velvet Underground - Sweet Jane (4:09)
211. The Beatles - Wild Honey Pie (0:52)
212. The Beatles - Sexy Sadie (3:15)
213. John Lennon - My Mummy's Dead (0:49)
214. The Rolling Stones - You Got The Silver (2:50)
215. Jorge Ben - Take It Easy, My Brother Charles (2:36)
216. Black Sabbath - Wasp/Behind The Wall Of Sleep/Bassically/N.I.B. (9:44)
217. The Beatles - Back In The U.S.S.R. - take 6 (2:49)
218. Elton John - Travellin' Band (2:15)
219. If I Ever Kill (0:05)
220. The Beatles - Pepperland (2:23)
221. Elton John - Up Around The Bend (2:36)
222. The Beatles - Carry That Weight (1:36)
223. Black Sabbath - Iron Man (live in studio) (5:55)
224. Deep Purple - Speed King (5:53)
225. The Beatles - It's All Too Much (6:28)
226. The Beatles - Back In The U.S.S.R. (texlance remix) (2:47)
227. John Lennon - I Found Out (3:37)
228. The Beatles - Circles (2:13)
229. The Byrds - Nothing Was Delivered (3:34)
230. Waylon Jennings - Ned Kelly (3:58)
231. The Beatles - Sea Of Monsters (3:39)
232. Led Zeppelin - Since I've Been Loving You (0:30)
233. The Beatles - She Came In Through The Bathroom Window (1:58)
234. The Beatles - Yellow Submarine (2:42)
235. The Beatles - All Things Must Pass (Twickenham 1 - 69) (3:05)
236. Beatles - Oh! Darling (3:26)
237. The Beatles - Here Comes The Sun (3:04)
238. The Beatles - Everybody's Got Something To Hide Except Me And My Monkey (acoustic) (3:00)
239. The Beatles - Mean Mr. Mustard (1:06)
240. The Beatles - Because (2:45)
241. The Who - Magic Bus (3:18)
242. The Rolling Stones - Little Queenie (live) (4:28)
243. The Byrds - The Christian Life (2:33)
244. Tom Zé - Gloria (3:19)
245. Eric Clapton - Layla (7:06)
246. The Beatles - Good Night (3:11)
247. Simon And Garfunkel - El Condor Pasa (If I Could) (3:07)
248. Jimi Hendrix Experience - All Along The Watchtower (4:00)
249. The Beatles - Piggies (2:04)
250. The Beatles - Lady Madonna (ultra rare track) (2:14)
251. Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love (0:30)
252. The Beatles - Happiness Is A Warm Gun (2:43)
253. The Beatles - Yellow Submarine In Pepperland (2:10)
254. The Beatles - Cry Baby Cry (3:01)
255. The Beatles - Mother Nature's Son (2:48)
256. The Beatles - Long, Long, Long (3:04)
257. The Velvet Underground - Some Kinda Love (4:01)
258. The Beatles - All Things Must Pass (1:32)
259. The Byrds - Old John Robertson (1:49)
260. Deep Purple - Into The Fire (3:29)
261. The Beatles - I Will (1:46)
262. Waylon Jennings - Ranchin' In The Evening (2:04)
263. The International Submarine Band - Luxury Liner (2:47)
264. The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Little Miss Strange (2:51)
265. The Rolling Stones - Factory Girl (2:12)
266. John Lennon - God (4:10)
267. Deep Purple - Help! (5:57)
268. Led Zeppelin - Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You (0:30)
269. The Beatles - Mean Mr. Mustard (1:06)
270. The Beatles - Let It Be (4:03)
271. Say (0:07)
272. John Lennon - Do The Oz (3:07)
273. Rod Stewart - It's All Over Now (6:20)
274. Led Zeppelin - White Summer (live) (13:36)
275. George Harrison - It Don't Come Easy (3:25)
276. The Beatles - Only A Northern Song (3:27)
277. The Beatles - You Never Give Me Your Money (4:00)
278. The Beatles - For You Blue (2:32)
279. The Beatles - Maggie Mae (0:40)
280. The Beatles - Carry That Weight (1:36)
281. John Lennon - Hold On (1:53)
282. The Beatles - The End (2:05)
283. Deep Purple - Studio Chat (0:05)
284. The Beatles - Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (3:08)
285. What Do You Mean I Don't Like (0:07)
286. The Beatles - Sea Of Holes (2:20)
287. Gal Costa - Tuareg (3:25)
288. Caetano Veloso - Alfômega (5:51)
289. Deep Purple - Studio Chat (0:27)
290. Led Zeppelin - Since I've Been Loving You (live) (7:00)
291. The Beatles - Pepperland (2:23)
292. The Beatles - She Came In Through The Bathroom Window (1:58)
293. The Beatles - Her Majesty (0:25)
294. Cream - White Room (4:57)
295. John Lennon - Look At Me (2:54)
296. Clara Nunes - A Felicidade (2:11)
297. David Bowie - Space Oddity (Full Demo Version) (4:32)
298. The Beatles - Sun King (2:28)
299. Simon And Garfunkel - Bookends (1:20)
300. Deep Purple - Studio Chat (0:31)
301. The Rolling Stones - You Can't Always Get What You Want (live - from "Rock And Roll Circus") (4:24)
302. The Beatles - Why Don't We Do It In The Road? (1:41)
303. George Harrison - Hare Krishna Mantra (3:38)
304. Deep Purple - Jam Stew [Unreleased Instrumental] (2:31)
305. Kris Kristofferson - Son Of A Scoundrel (2:12)
306. The Beatles - Blackbird (2:18)
307. The Beatles - All Together Now (2:13)
308. Black Sabbath - N.I.B. (6:17)
309. The Beatles - All You Need Is Love (3:52)
310. Gilberto Gil - Bat Macumba (2:37)
311. Rod Stewart - Cut Across Shorty (6:35)
312. Deep Purple - Hard Lovin' Man (7:10)
313. The Beatles - Revolution 1 (4:15)
314. The Beatles - It's All Too Much (6:28)
315. John Lennon - Cold Turkey (5:03)
316. The Beatles - Mean Mr. Mustard (3:19)
317. The Beatles - Why Don't We Do It In The Road? (1:41)
318. The Beatles - Everybody's Got Something To Hide Except Me And My Monkey (2:24)
319. The Beatles - All Things Must Pass (demo take 2) (3:03)
320. The Rolling Stones - Parachute Woman (2:23)
321. Deep Purple - Bloodsucker (4:13)
322. The Beatles - For You Blue (2:32)
323. John Lennon - Cold Turkey (5:01)
324. The Beatles - Back In The U.S.S.R. - mono (2:47)
325. George Harrison - I Dig Love (4:53)
326. The Velvet Underground - I Can't Stand It (3:23)
327. The Beatles - Don't Pass Me By (3:50)
328. The Beatles - I've Got A Feeling (3:37)
329. The Beatles - I Want You (She's So Heavy) (7:47)
330. The Beatles - Revolution 9 (8:22)
331. Deep Purple - Black Night [Original Single Version] (3:27)
332. The Beatles - The Inner Light (single) (2:36)
333. Pink Floyd - See Saw (4:37)
334. The Beatles - Sun King (2:28)
335. The Beatles - Mother Nature's Son (2:48)
336. The Byrds - Goin' Back (live) (3:46)
337. Led Zeppelin - Good Times, Bad Times (0:30)
338. The Beatles - Her Majesty (rare) (2:12)
339. Simon And Garfunkel - Cecilia (2:53)
340. John Lennon - Isolation (2:53)
341. The Beatles - Fan Club Christmas Collection - 1968 (7:49)
342. The Velvet Underground - Pale Blue Eyes (5:39)
343. Kris Kristofferson - Stoney Cold Ground (3:44)
344. Gal Costa - Vou Recomeçar (3:25)
345. The Beatles - Pepperland Laid Waste (2:15)
346. The Beatles - Honey Pie (2:41)
347. The Beatles - Come Together (4:16)
348. The Rolling Stones - Honky Tonk Women (live) (3:32)
349. The Beatles - I've Got A Feeling (sung by John) (2:29)
350. The Byrds - One Hundred Years From Now (2:43)
351. John Lennon - Instant Karma! (3:15)
352. The Beatles - Maggie Mae (0:40)
353. The Beatles - While My Guitar Gently Weeps (4:45)
354. The Who - Substitute (live at Leeds) (2:09)
355. The Rolling Stones - Jumpin' Jack Flash (live) (4:01)
356. Mick Jagger - The Wild Colonial Boy (3:54)
357. The Beatles - Dig It (0:50)
358. The Rolling Stones - Live With Me (live) (3:08)
359. Syd Barrett - Gigolo Aunt (5:47)
360. The Beatles - Get Back (3:09)
361. The Beatles - Octopus's Garden (2:49)
362. The Beatles - Something (3:01)
363. Caetano Veloso - Lost In The Paradise (3:27)
364. The Beatles - Her Majesty (0:25)
365. The Beatles - I'm So Tired (2:03)
366. The Rolling Stones - Midnight Rambler (live) (9:15)
367. The Beatles - Her Majesty (0:25)
368. The Beatles - While My Guitar Gently Weeps (4:45)
369. Deep Purple - Speed King [Piano Version] (4:15)
370. The Beatles - Two Of Us (sung by John) (2:00)
371. George Harrison - I'd Have You Anytime (3:02)
372. The Beatles - Julia (2:54)
373. The Beatles - Yellow Submarine (2:42)
374. Black Sabbath - The Wizard (4:23)
375. The Rolling Stones - Love In Vain (live) (4:57)
376. The Beatles - Dear Prudence (3:56)
377. The Beatles - Sun King (2:28)
378. The Beatles - Get Back (sung by John) (3:29)
379. The Beatles - I Want You (She's So Heavy) (7:47)
380. The Beatles - Back In The U.S.S.R. (take 6 RM1) (3:03)
381. The Beatles - Maxwell's Silver Hammer (3:26)
382. The Beatles - I Me Mine (2:25)
383. Pink Floyd - Jugband Blues (2:59)
384. The Who - The Acid Queen (3:34)
385. George Harrison - My Sweet Lord (4:43)
386. The Beatles - Come Together (4:16)
387. The Beatles - The Long And Winding Road (3:37)
388. The Beatles - You Know My Name (Look Up The Number) (single) (4:21)
389. Rod Stewart - Country Comfort (4:48)
390. The Rolling Stones - No Expectations (4:02)
391. Simon And Garfunkel - For Emily, Whenever I May Find Her (2:24)
392. John Lennon - Give Peace A Chance (4:50)
393. The Beatles - I Will (1:46)
394. The Beatles - Julia (2:54)
395. The Beatles - Blackbird (2:18)
396. The Beatles - Oh! Darling (3:26)
397. The Beatles - Across The Universe (3:48)
398. The Who - Substitute (live at The Isle Of Wight Festival) (2:10)
399. The Beatles - Something (3:01)
400. The Beatles - Savoy Truffle (2:54)
401. The Rolling Stones - Carol (live) (3:46)
402. The Beatles - Back In The U.S.S.R. (2:43)
403. The Beatles - You Never Give Me Your Money (4:00)
404. The Beatles - Sea Of Monsters (3:39)
405. The Beatles - Polythene Pam (1:12)
406. The Beatles - Back In The U.S.S.R. (mono) (2:47)
407. The Beatles - Hey Bulldog (3:14)
408. The Beatles - Golden Slumbers (1:31)
409. Clara Nunes - Sabiá (3:58)
410. The Beatles - I Me Mine (2:25)
411. Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath (6:20)
412. Kris Kristofferson - The Kelly's Keep Comin' (3:56)
413. Os Mutantes - Ando Meio Desligado (3:04)
414. Os Mutantes - Ave Genghis Khan (3:45)
415. Waylon Jennings - Blame It On The Kellys (2:20)
416. The Beatles - I Want You (She's So Heavy) (7:47)
417. The Beatles - Golden Slumbers (1:31)
418. The Beatles - Helter Skelter (4:29)
419. Rod Stewart - Cindy's Lament (4:29)
420. T. Rex - One Inch Rock (2:26)
421. The Beatles - Back In The U.S.S.R. (UK mono) (2:43)
422. Waylon Jennings - Shadow Of The Gallows (2:57)
423. The Beatles - Pepperland Laid Waste (2:15)
424. Taiguara - Universo No Teu Corpo (4:13)
425. The Beatles - Sea Of Time (3:00)
426. The Beatles - I Want You (She's So Heavy) (Paul vocal) (4:34)
427. The Beatles - Back In The U.S.S.R. (Stereo) (2:45)

(Cada lista de execução representa um estado de espírito, se não ficar claro, te vira meu caro...)

domingo, 5 de abril de 2009

Is there anybody going to listen to my story?

Playlist de hoje:

1. The Beatles - I Saw Her Standing There (2:55)
2. The Beatles - Misery (1:50)
3. The Beatles - Anna (Go To Him) (2:57)
4. The Beatles - Chains (2:26)
5. The Beatles - Boys (2:27)
6. The Beatles - Ask Me Why (2:27)
7. The Beatles - Please Please Me (2:03)
8. The Beatles - Love Me Do (2:22)
9. The Beatles - P.S. I Love You (2:05)
10. The Beatles - Baby It's You (2:38)
11. The Beatles - Do You Want To Know A Secret (1:59)
12. The Beatles - A Taste Of Honey (2:05)
13. The Beatles - There's A Place (1:52)
14. The Beatles - Twist And Shout (2:33)
15. The Beatles - It Won't Be Long (2:16)
16. The Beatles - All I've Got To Do (2:07)
17. The Beatles - All My Loving (2:12)
18. The Beatles - Don't Bother Me (2:33)
19. The Beatles - Little Child (1:51)
20. The Beatles - Till There Was You (2:16)
21. The Beatles - Please Mr. Postman (2:38)
22. The Beatles - Roll Over Beethoven (2:49)
23. The Beatles - Hold Me Tight (2:35)
24. The Beatles - You've Really Got A Hold On Me (3:04)
25. The Beatles - I Wanna Be Your Man (2:04)
26. The Beatles - Devil In Her Heart (2:29)
27. The Beatles - Not A Second Time (2:09)
28. The Beatles - Money (That's What I Want) (2:51)
29. The Beatles - A Hard Day's Night (2:32)
30. The Beatles - I Should Have Known Better (2:44)
31. The Beatles - If I Fell (2:22)
32. The Beatles - I'm Happy Just To Dance With You (1:58)
33. The Beatles - And I Love Her (2:31)
34. The Beatles - Tell Me Why (2:10)
35. The Beatles - Can't Buy Me Love (2:14)
36. The Beatles - Any Time At All (2:13)
37. The Beatles - I'll Cry Instead (1:47)
38. The Beatles - Things We Said Today (2:38)
39. The Beatles - When I Get Home (2:18)
40. The Beatles - You Can't Do That (2:37)
41. The Beatles - I'll Be Back (2:20)
42. The Beatles - No Reply (2:17)
43. The Beatles - I'm A Loser (2:33)
44. The Beatles - Baby's In Black (2:07)
45. The Beatles - Rock And Roll Music (2:33)
46. The Beatles - I'll Follow The Sun (1:51)
47. The Beatles - Mr. Moonlight (2:37)
48. The Beatles - Medley a. Kansas City b. Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey (2:33)
49. The Beatles - Eight Days A Week (2:45)
50. The Beatles - Words Of Love (2:14)
51. The Beatles - Honey Don't (2:59)
52. The Beatles - Every Little Thing (2:04)
53. The Beatles - I Don't Want To Spoil The Party (2:36)
54. The Beatles - What You're Doing (2:34)
55. The Beatles - Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby (2:23)
56. The Beatles - Help! (2:21)
57. The Beatles - The Night Before (2:36)
58. The Beatles - You've Got To Hide Your Love Away (2:11)
59. The Beatles - I Need You (2:31)
60. The Beatles - Another Girl (2:08)
61. The Beatles - You're Going To Lose That Girl (2:20)
62. The Beatles - Ticket To Ride (3:12)
63. The Beatles - Act Naturally (2:33)
64. The Beatles - It's Only Love (1:58)
65. The Beatles - You Like Me Too Much (2:38)
66. The Beatles - Tell Me What You See (2:39)
67. The Beatles - I've Just Seen A Face (2:07)
68. The Beatles - Yesterday (2:07)
69. The Beatles - Dizzy Miss Lizzy (2:54)
70. The Beatles - Drive My Car (2:30)
71. The Beatles - Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown) (2:05)
72. The Beatles - You Won't See Me (3:22)
73. The Beatles - Nowhere Man (2:44)
74. The Beatles - Think For Yourself (2:19)
75. The Beatles - The Word (2:43)
76. The Beatles - Michelle (2:42)
77. The Beatles - What Goes On (2:50)
78. The Beatles - Girl (2:33)
79. The Beatles - I'm Looking Through You (2:27)
80. The Beatles - In My Life (2:27)
81. The Beatles - Wait (2:16)
82. The Beatles - If I Needed Someone (2:23)
83. The Beatles - Run For Your Life (2:18)
84. The Beatles - Taxman (2:39)
85. The Beatles - Eleanor Rigby (2:07)
86. The Beatles - I'm Only Sleeping (3:01)
87. The Beatles - Love You Too (3:01)
88. The Beatles - Here, There And Everywhere (2:25)
89. The Beatles - Yellow Submarine (2:40)
90. The Beatles - She Said She Said (2:37)
91. The Beatles - Good Day Sunshine (2:09)
92. The Beatles - And Your Bird Can Sing (2:01)
93. The Beatles - For No One (2:01)
94. The Beatles - Doctor Robert (2:15)
95. The Beatles - I Want To Tell You (2:29)
96. The Beatles - Got To Get You Into My Life (2:30)
97. The Beatles - Tomorrow Never Knows (2:57)
98. The Beatles - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (2:02)
99. The Beatles - With A Little Help From My Friends (2:44)
100. The Beatles - Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (3:28)
101. The Beatles - Getting Better (2:47)
102. The Beatles - Fixing A Hole (2:36)
103. The Beatles - She's Leaving Home (3:35)
104. The Beatles - Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite! (2:37)
105. The Beatles - Within You Without You (5:05)
106. The Beatles - When I'm Sixty-Four (2:37)
107. The Beatles - Lovely Rita (2:42)
108. The Beatles - Good Morning Good Morning (2:41)
109. The Beatles - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) (1:18)
110. The Beatles - A Day In The Life (5:33)
111. The Beatles - Magical Mystery Tour (2:51)
112. The Beatles - The Fool On The Hill (3:00)
113. The Beatles - Flying (2:16)
114. The Beatles - Blue Jay Way (3:56)
115. The Beatles - Your Mother Should Know (2:29)
116. The Beatles - I Am The Walrus (4:37)
117. The Beatles - Hello Goodbye (3:31)
118. The Beatles - Strawberry Fields Forever (4:10)
119. The Beatles - Penny Lane (3:03)
120. The Beatles - Baby You're A Rich Man (3:03)
121. The Beatles - All You Need Is Love (3:48)
122. The Beatles - Back In The U.S.S.R. (2:43)
123. The Beatles - Dear Prudence (3:56)
124. The Beatles - Glass Onion (2:17)
125. The Beatles - Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (3:08)
126. The Beatles - Wild Honey Pie (0:52)
127. The Beatles - The Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bill (3:14)
128. The Beatles - While My Guitar Gently Weeps (4:45)
129. The Beatles - Happiness Is A Warm Gun (2:43)
130. The Beatles - Martha My Dear (2:28)
131. The Beatles - I'm So Tired (2:03)
132. The Beatles - Blackbird (2:18)
133. The Beatles - Piggies (2:04)
134. The Beatles - Rocky Raccoon (3:32)
135. The Beatles - Don't Pass Me By (3:50)
136. The Beatles - Why Don't We Do It In The Road? (1:41)
137. The Beatles - I Will (1:46)
138. The Beatles - Julia (2:54)
139. The Beatles - Birthday (2:42)
140. The Beatles - Yer Blues (4:01)
141. The Beatles - Mother Nature's Son (2:48)
142. The Beatles - Everybody's Got Something To Hide Except Me And My Monkey (2:24)
143. The Beatles - Sexy Sadie (3:15)
144. The Beatles - Helter Skelter (4:29)
145. The Beatles - Long, Long, Long (3:04)
146. The Beatles - Revolution 1 (4:15)
147. The Beatles - Honey Pie (2:41)
148. The Beatles - Savoy Truffle (2:54)
149. The Beatles - Cry Baby Cry (3:01)
150. The Beatles - Revolution 9 (8:22)
151. The Beatles - Good Night (3:11)
152. The Beatles - Yellow Submarine (2:42)
153. The Beatles - Only A Northern Song (3:27)
154. The Beatles - All Together Now (2:13)
155. The Beatles - Hey Bulldog (3:14)
156. The Beatles - It's All Too Much (6:28)
157. The Beatles - All You Need Is Love (3:52)
158. The Beatles - Pepperland (2:23)
159. The Beatles - Sea Of Time (3:00)
160. The Beatles - Sea Of Holes (2:20)
161. The Beatles - Sea Of Monsters (3:39)
162. The Beatles - March Of The Meanies (2:22)
163. The Beatles - Pepperland Laid Waste (2:15)
164. The Beatles - Yellow Submarine In Pepperland (2:10)
165. The Beatles - Come Together (4:16)
166. The Beatles - Something (3:01)
167. The Beatles - Maxwell's Silver Hammer (3:26)
168. The Beatles - Oh! Darling (3:26)
169. The Beatles - Octopus's Garden (2:49)
170. The Beatles - I Want You (She's So Heavy) (7:47)
171. The Beatles - Here Comes The Sun (3:04)
172. The Beatles - Because (2:45)
173. The Beatles - You Never Give Me Your Money (4:00)
174. The Beatles - Sun King (2:28)
175. The Beatles - Mean Mr. Mustard (1:06)
176. The Beatles - Polythene Pam (1:12)
177. The Beatles - She Came In Through The Bathroom Window (1:58)
178. The Beatles - Golden Slumbers (1:31)
179. The Beatles - Carry That Weight (1:36)
180. The Beatles - The End (2:05)
181. The Beatles - Her Majesty (0:25)
182. The Beatles - Two Of Us (3:36)
183. The Beatles - Dig A Pony (3:54)
184. The Beatles - Across The Universe (3:48)
185. The Beatles - I Me Mine (2:25)
186. The Beatles - Dig It (0:50)
187. The Beatles - Let It Be (4:03)
188. The Beatles - Maggie Mae (0:40)
189. The Beatles - I've Got A Feeling (3:37)
190. The Beatles - One After 909 (2:55)
191. The Beatles - The Long And Winding Road (3:37)
192. The Beatles - For You Blue (2:32)
193. The Beatles - Get Back (3:09)

domingo, 29 de março de 2009

I was never faithful
And I was never one to trust
Borderlining schizo
And guaranteed to cause a fuss
I was never loyal
Except to my own pleasure zone
I'm forever black-eyed
A product of a broken home

I was never faithful
And I was never one to trust
Borderline bipolar
Forever biting on your nuts
I was never grateful
That's why I spend my days alone
I'm forever black-eyed
A product of a broken home

I was never faithful
And I was never one to trust
Borderlining schizo
And guaranteed to cause a fuss
I was never loyal
Except to my own pleasure zone
I'm forever black-eyed
A product of a broken home

sábado, 28 de março de 2009

O que quer a FUP?

(mas alguém esperava outra coisa?)

Segundo os informes da FUP, o eixo de luta da greve dos petroleiros (de 23/03/2009 a 27/03/2009) é:


Pois bem, em 27/03/2009, de repente e sem aviso, miraculosamente a FUP lança o seguinte informe (itálicos são meus):

"Greve vitoriosa arranca proposta com avanços e
sem ameaça de punição. Trabalhadores avaliam
nas assembléias indicativos da FUP
A força da greve nacional da categoria e a disposição de continuidade da luta, caso a Petrobrás
insistisse na ameaça de punir trabalhadores, fez a empresa retomar o processo de negociação e
formalizar na tarde desta sexta-feira, 27, os avanços construídos na mesa única com a FUP e os
seis sindicatos. Na proposta apresentada à Federação, a Petrobrás suprimiu a redação referente
à criação de uma comissão para apurar o que chama de “excessos” cometidos pelos
trabalhadores durante a greve. Além disso, a Gerência de RH da empresa assumiu
compromisso na mesa (assumiu de boca? assinou algo?), perante a FUP e os seis sindicatos, de não perseguir nenhum
trabalhador por participação na greve (tem-se alguma definição clara e documentada de "perseguição"?). A empresa também se compromete a desistir dos
interditos proibitórios movidos contra as organizações sindicais durante estes cinco dias do
A proposta construída na mesa única de negociação desde o segundo dia da greve tem avanços
significativos em relação à PLR 2008 (o valor é o mesmo, adicionaram algo lá, sem maiores explicações), não só no que diz respeito aos valores, como no fato da
Petrobrás se comprometer a estender o que foi conquistado para todos os trabalhadores do
Sistema, incluindo Refap, TBG e Petroquisa. A greve vitoriosa da categoria também fez a
Petrobrás reconhecer o direito dos petroleiros de turno à dobradinha, ao aceitar pagar as horas
extras do feriado de primeiro de maio (o que aconteceu com "GARANTIR O PAGAMENTO DAS HORAS EXTRAS DOS FERIADOS TRABALHADOS" - FERIADOS, e não apenas 1 feriado?). A proposta construída em mesa também traz avanços
importantes em relação às demais reivindicações da categoria: segurança, garantia dos postos
de trabalho e regramento das PLRs futuras.
Quanto aos dias parados, a Petrobrás se compromete a descontar, parceladamente, um dia por
mês, sem reflexo algum (férias, 13º, descanso semanal remunerado, etc).
Indicativos da FUP
Diante dos avanços conquistados durante estes cinco dias de greve que unificou a categoria em
todo o país, a FUP indica aos trabalhadores o encerramento do movimento às 24 horas desta
sexta-feira, 27, conforme havia sido deliberado anteriormente pelas assembléias, e a aceitação
da proposta construída na mesa única de negociação pela Federação e os seis sindicatos.
PLR 2008 – a Petrobrás propõe piso de R$ 15.000,00 para os trabalhadores posicionados até o
nível 457-A e R$ 2.000,00 distribuídos de forma igual na tabela ou 2,15 remunerações normais
(o que for maior). O pagamento será efetuado em parcela única no dia 05 de maio. A empresa
também se compromete a fazer gestões junto à Petrobrás Transporte, Refap, Petroquisa, TBG e
BR Distribuidora para garantirem aos trabalhadores o mesmo valor praticado pela controladora.
CONDIÇÕES SEGURAS DE TRABALHO – a Petrobrás agendará reunião em abril com o SMS
do Abastecimento e do E&P para a FUP e os sindicatos discutirem as demandas relacionadas às
condições de trabalho e segurança. A empresa também se compromete a realizar uma ampla
campanha corporativa sobre a necessidade de registro, análise e tratamento de todos os
acidentes e incidentes em suas unidades. A Petrobrás concorda ainda em realizar anualmente
reunião nacional com os presidentes e vice-presidentes das CIPAs.
GARANTIA DOS POSTOS DE TRABALHO – a Petrobrás se compromete a orientar as
prestadoras de serviço, durante a renegociação dos contratos, a garantirem os postos e
condições de trabalho para por fim à precarização e demissões.
extras do feriado do dia primeiro de maio, nos regimes especiais.
REGRAMENTO DA PLR FUTURA – a Petrobrás propõe criar um grupo de trabalho formado por
representantes da FUP, dos sindicatos filiados e da empresa para iniciar em até 30 dias após a
assinatura do acordo a negociação de indicadores, metas, critérios, montante e formas de
distribuição das PLRs futuras.
Direção Colegiada da FUP"

E aí?

terça-feira, 17 de março de 2009

Um pouco de suavidade, por favor

Playlist de hoje:

1. Legião Urbana - Quando Você Voltar (2:53)
2. Simon And Garfunkel - Kathy's Song (3:23)
3. Paul McCartney - Off The Ground (3:40)
4. Oasis - Don't Look Back In Anger (4:47)
5. Rod Stewart - Handbags & Gladrags (4:29)
6. The Beatles - Two Of Us (sung by John) (2:00)
7. Belle & Sebastian - I Don't Love Anyone (3:56)
8. Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here (5:34)
9. The Byrds - She Has A Way [#/*] (2:24)
10. John Lennon - Oh My Love (2:46)
11. Kate Bush - Wuthering Heights (4:29)
12. Morrissey - The More You Ignore Me, The Closer I Get (3:43)
13. The Smiths - Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want (1:53)
14. Roy Orbison - Only The Lonely (2:27)
15. Hugh Grant - Love Autopsy (0:40)
16. U2 - So Cruel (5:49)
17. George Michael - Heal The Pain (4:43)
18. The Mamas & The Papas - Do You Wanna Dance (2:58)
19. Frente! - Bizarre Love Triangle (2:01)
20. Badfinger - Day After Day (3:14)
21. The Rolling Stones - She Smiled Sweetly (2:43)
22. Amy Winehouse - Don't Go To Strangers (live) (3:46)
23. Information Society - Repetition (4:34)
24. John Denver - Let It Be (3:47)
25. Queen - Made In Heaven (5:25)
26. T. Rex - Hot Love (4:59)
27. Morrissey - Seasick, Yet Still Docked (5:07)
28. The Beatles - Blackbird/Yesterday (Rear Channels) (2:32)
29. Keith Richards - Locked Away (5:49)
30. Belle And Sebastian - You Made Me Forget My Dreams (3:52)
31. Rod Stewart - The First Cut Is The Deepest (4:31)
32. The Rolling Stones - The Worst (2:24)
33. Oasis - Sitting Here In Silence (On My Own) (2:00)
34. U2 - All I Want Is You (6:30)
35. Roy Orbison - It's Over (2:49)
36. Amy Winehouse - To Know Him Is To Love Him [Napsterlive Session] (2:24)
37. Richard Marx - Right Here Waiting (4:26)
38. David Lee Roth - California Girls (2:45)
39. The Mamas & The Papas - Sing For Your Supper (2:48)
40. The Jesters - Please Let Me Love You (2:24)
41. The Byrds - Mr. Tambourine Man (2:19)
42. Beck - Nobody's Fault But My Own (5:02)
43. Legião Urbana - O Livro Dos Dias (4:17)

segunda-feira, 16 de março de 2009


"I want to reach out
And touch the sky
I want to touch the sun
But I don't need to die

I'm gonna climb up
On the mountains of the moon
And find a distant man
A waving his spoon

I've crossed the ocean, turned everything
I found the crossing near a golden rainbow's end
I've been through magic and defied reality
I've lived a thousand years and it never bothered me

Got no religion
Don't need no friends
Got all I want
And I don't need to pretend

Don't try to reach me
'Cause I'd tear up your mind
I've seen the future
And I've left it behind"

"People say I'm crazy doing what I'm doing
Well they give me all kinds of warnings to save me from ruin
When I say that I'm o.k. well they look at me kind of strange
Surely you're not happy now you no longer play the game

People say I'm lazy dreaming my life away
Well they give me all kinds of advice designed to enlighten me
When I tell them that I'm doing fine watching shadows on the wall
Don't you miss the big time boy you're no longer on the ball

I'm just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round
I really love to watch them roll
No longer riding on the merry-go-round
I just had to let it go

Ah, people asking questions lost in confusion
Well I tell them there's no problem, only solutions
Well they shake their heads and they look at me as if I've lost my mind
I tell them there's no hurry
I'm just sitting here doing time

I'm just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round
I really love to watch them roll
No longer riding on the merry-go-round
I just had to let it go
I just had to let it go
I just had to let it go"

domingo, 15 de março de 2009

Tell me what it's worth

Duas novas descobertas:


Playlist de hoje:

1. The Cramps - I Can't Hardly Stand It (2:42)
2. The Cramps - TV Set (3:14)
3. The Cramps - Thee Most Exhalted Potentate Of Love (live) (3:03)
4. The Cramps - Garbage Man (3:36)
5. New Order - Run (4:31)
6. Suede - The Drowners (4:10)
7. Joy Division - Glass (3:52)
8. New Order - Leave Me Alone (4:40)
9. The Cramps - Bop Pills (2:24)
10. New Order - Blue Monday (7:29)
11. Suede - Streetlife (2:51)
12. The Cramps - Save It (2:57)
13. Joy Division - Exercise One (3:06)
14. New Order - Touched By The Hand Of God (3:44)
15. Joy Division - The Eternal (6:07)
16. Joy Division - Decades (6:10)
17. New Order - All Day Long (5:12)
18. Joy Division - Passover (4:46)
19. Joy Division - These Days (3:26)
20. New Order - Thieves Like Us (6:36)
21. Suede - Still Life (5:24)
22. New Order - Love Less (3:04)
23. Suede - New Generation (4:37)
24. Joy Division - Something Must Break (2:48)
25. Suede - Lost In TV (3:39)
26. Morrissey - Suedehead (3:54)
27. Joy Division - Disorder (3:32)
28. The Cramps - The Mad Daddy (3:48)
29. Joy Division - Leaders Of Men (2:34)
30. New Order - Everything's Gone Green (5:30)
31. Suede - The Wild Ones (4:50)
32. The Cramps - New Kind Of Kick (3:30)
33. Joy Division - New Dawn Fades (4:47)
34. Joy Division - Twenty Four Hours (4:25)
35. New Order - Your Silent Face (6:00)
36. New Order - Truth (4:39)
37. Joy Division - Heart And Soul (5:51)
38. Joy Division - Atrocity Exhibition (6:06)
39. Joy Division - Atmosphere (4:10)
40. New Order - Fine Time (4:43)
41. Joy Division - Novelty (3:59)
42. The Cramps - Drug Train (2:36)
43. The Cramps - Can't Find My Mind (3:01)
44. New Order - World In Motion (4:30)
45. Morrissey - Suedehead (3:56)
46. New Order - The Perfect Kiss (4:49)
47. The Cramps - God Damn Rock & Roll (2:38)
48. The Cramps - I Ain't Nuthin' But A Gorehound (live) (3:16)
49. Suede - The Next Life (3:30)
50. Joy Division - Disorder (3:32)
51. Morrissey - My Love Life (4:25)
52. The Cramps - Rock On The Moon (1:53)
53. The Cramps - The Crusher (1:47)
54. Joy Division - No Love Lost (3:42)
55. Suede - Attitude (3:05)
56. Joy Division - Colony (3:55)
57. Joy Division - Transmission (3:35)
58. Suede - Obsessions (4:10)
59. The Cramps - She Said (3:16)
60. Joy Division - Wilderness (2:38)
61. Joy Division - Incubation (2:52)
62. Suede - Trash (4:00)
63. New Order - Vanishing Point (5:16)
64. New Order - Confusion (4:43)
65. Suede - So Young (3:39)
66. New Order - Bizarre Love Triangle (4:22)
67. Morrissey - Pregnant For The Last Time (2:42)
68. Suede - Trash (4:06)
69. Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart (3:27)
70. Suede - Sleeping Pills (3:50)
71. New Order - Round & Round (7:13)
72. Joy Division - She's Lost Control (3:56)
73. New Order - 1963 (5:35)
74. Joy Division - Ice Age (2:23)
75. Suede - We Are The Pigs (4:19)
76. The Cramps - Tear It Up (2:31)
77. The Cramps - Surfin' Bird (5:08)
78. Suede - The Chemistry Between Us (7:04)
79. Suede - The Asphalt World (9:25)
80. The Cramps - Greenfuz (2:08)
81. The Cramps - Love Me (2:00)
82. Suede - Introducing The Band (2:38)
83. New Order - Cries And Whispers (3:25)
84. Joy Division - Dead Souls (4:54)
85. The Cramps - Natives Are Restless (2:59)
86. Joy Division - A Means To An End (4:07)
87. The Cramps - Uranium Rock (2:26)
88. Suede - Attitude (live Glastonbury 2002) (3:40)
89. Joy Division - Isolation (2:53)
90. The Cramps - Goo Goo Muck (3:05)
91. The Cramps - I Was A Teenage Werewolf (3:03)
92. New Order - Love Vigilantes (4:18)
93. New Order - Ceremony (4:23)
94. New Order - Spooky (4:43)
95. New Order - Temptation (6:59)
96. New Order - Regret (4:08)
97. The Cramps - Human Fly (2:15)
98. New Order - True Faith (5:55)
99. Joy Division - The Only Mistake (4:16)
100. Joy Division - The Sound Of Music (3:55)
101. New Order - Ceremony (4:22)
102. Suede - Starcrazy (3:33)
103. Suede - Stay Together (4:02)
104. New Order - Sooner Than You Think (5:12)

"I want you... I want you so bad..."

quinta-feira, 5 de março de 2009

Uma das canções mais sexies que existem:

I want you
I want you so bad
I want you,
I want you so bad
It’s driving me mad, it’s driving me mad.
I want you
I want you so bad babe
I want you,
I want you so bad
It’s driving me mad, it’s driving me mad.
I want you
I want you so bad babe
I want you,
I want you so bad
It’s driving me mad, it’s driving me mad.
I want you
I want you so bad
I want you,
I want you so bad
It’s driving me mad, it’s driving me ...
She’s so heavy heavy, heavy, heavy.

She's so heavy
She's so heavy, heavy, heavy

I want you
I want you so bad
I want you,
I want you so bad
It’s driving me mad, it’s driving me mad.
I want you
You know I want you so bad babe
I want you,
You know I want you so bad
It’s driving me mad, it’s driving me mad

She’s so...
"É sem qualquer terror que eu vejo a desunião das moléculas da minha existência."
(Marquês de Sade)

domingo, 1 de março de 2009

I'll have a drink or two and I don't care

Playlist de hoje:

1. The Beatles - No Reply (2:17)
2. The Beatles - I'm A Loser (2:33)
3. The Beatles - Baby's In Black (2:07)
4. The Beatles - Rock And Roll Music (2:33)
5. The Beatles - I'll Follow The Sun (1:51)
6. The Beatles - Mr. Moonlight (2:37)
7. The Beatles - Kansas City/Hey-Hey-Hey-Hey! (2:33)
8. The Beatles - Eight Days A Week (2:45)
9. The Beatles - Words Of Love (2:14)
10. The Beatles - Honey Don't (2:59)
11. The Beatles - Every Little Thing (2:04)
12. The Beatles - I Don't Want To Spoil The Party (2:36)
13. The Beatles - What You're Doing (2:34)
14. The Beatles - Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby (2:23

... QUE na verdade é a lista do disco Beatles For Sale, de 1964.
Um disco considerado fraco, encaixado entre duas trilhas sonoras (A Hard Day's Night e Help!), mas principalmente porque difere bastante do disco anterior, onde todas as músicas eram de autoria de Lennon/McCartney. Neste, apenas 8 o são. Isso eles faziam bem no início da carreira, onde é normal não se ter confiança bastante para gravar somente músicas próprias. A questão é que, na época do lançamento de Beatles For Sale, a Beatlemania já estava por aí há um bom tempo, fazendo-os ganhar oceanos de dinheiro, mas isso teve seu preço, que foi a total perda de privacidade pelos Beatles, uma agenda desumana de shows, programas de TV e rádio, fotos, gravações, entrevistas, e toda e qualquer forma de alguem ganhar uma grana em cima. Para jovens de 21-24 anos, imagine como lidavam com isso. Mas aqui faça-se a necessária ressalva: um disco fraco dos Beatles é um disco que qualquer outro artista mataria e morreria para fazer.
Ao que interessa: boas músicas ("Baby's In Black", "Eight Days A Week"), covers ("Rock And Roll Music", "Words Of Love"), enche-lingüiça ("What You're Doing", "Every Little Thing") - uma saborosa linguïça. A sensação ao ouvir o disco é de cansaço por parte da banda, falta de energia - ainda assim, os Beatles cansados são tão ou mais excitantes que qualquer Oasis em seus melhores dias.
Enfim, um bom disco, não espetacular, com um som muito acústico, gosto dele. E a capa é uma coisa assim quase mágica (a verdadeira CAPA MÁGICA é a de Turn! Turn! Turn!, dos Byrds).

sábado, 28 de fevereiro de 2009

Eu queria ficar dirigindo na chuva mas na hora em que saí parou de chover...

(come Armaggedon, come Armaggedon, come...)
It's awfully considerate of you to think of me here
And I'm much obliged to you for making it clear that I'm not here.
And I never knew the moon could be so big
And I never knew the moon could be so blue
And I'm grateful that you threw away my old shoes
And brought me here instead dressed in red
And I'm wondering who could be writing this song.

I don't care if the sun don't shine
And I don't care if nothing is mine
And I don't care if I'm nervous with you
I'll do my loving in the winter.

And the sea isn't green
And I love the Queen
And what exactly is a dream
And what exactly is a joke.
Remember when you were young,
You shone like the sun.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
Now there's a look in your eyes,
Like black holes in the sky.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
You were caught on the crossfire
Of childhood and stardom,
Blown on the steel breeze.
Come on you target for faraway laughter,
Come on you stranger, you legend, you martyr, and shine!

You reached for the secret too soon,
You cried for the moon.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
Threatened by shadows at night,
And exposed in the light.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
Well you wore out your welcome
With random precision,
Rode on the steel breeze.
Come on you raver, you seer of visions,
Come on you painter, you piper, you prisoner, and shine!

sábado, 14 de fevereiro de 2009

No... let me go

Playlist de hoje:

1. The Smiths - Rubber Ring
2. Joy Division - Colony
3. Morrissey - We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful
4. The Smiths - Bigmouth Strikes Again
5. Morrissey - Will Never Marry
6. Morrissey - Disappointed
7. The Smiths - Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now
8. Joy Division - Heart And Soul
9. The Smiths - Sheila Take A Bow
10. Morrissey - Lucky Lisp
11. The Smiths - Still Ill
12. The Smiths - What Difference Does It Make?
13. Joy Division - A Means To An End
14. The Smiths - Girl Afraid
15. Placebo - Slave To The Wage
16. The Smiths - Nowhere Fast
17. The Smiths - William, It Was Really Nothing
18. Morrissey - Hairdresser On Fire
19. The Smiths - Shoplifters Of The World Unite
20. Morrissey - He Knows I'd Love To See Him
21. The Smiths - Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me
22. Morrissey - Piccadilly Palare
23. The Smiths - Girlfriend In A Coma
24. The Smiths - Half A Person
25. Placebo - Bigmouth Strikes Again
26. Morrissey - Such A Little Thing Makes Such A Big Difference
27. The Smiths - Hand In Glove
28. The Smiths - Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others
29. Placebo - Taste In Men
30. The Smiths - That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore
31. The Smiths - Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before
32. The Smiths - The Boy With The Thorn In His Side
33. The Smiths - Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want
34. Morrissey - Suedehead
35. Placebo - Bigmouth Strikes Again
36. Morrissey - Yes, I Am Blind
37. The Smiths - Panic
38. Morrissey - Ouija Board, Ouija Board
39. The Smiths - Shakespeare's Sister
40. The Smiths - This Charming Man
41. The Smiths - Ask
42. Morrissey - You're The One For Me, Fatty
43. Morrissey - Everyday Is Like Sunday
44. Joy Division - Decades
45. The Smiths - How Soon Is Now?
46. Morrissey - Interesting Drug
47. Morrissey - November Spawned A Monster
48. Joy Division - Atrocity Exhibition
49. The Smiths - Reel Around The Fountain
50. Morrissey - The Last Of The Famous International Playboys
51. The Smiths - There Is A Light That Never Goes Out
52. The Smiths - The Headmaster Ritual
53. The Smiths - Oscillate Wildly

quinta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2009


Bem-vindas, Dúvidas!
Prazer em ver-te, Cansaço!
Por favor se aproxime, Desânimo!
Fique à vontade, Desinteresse!